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CALENDAR: ALL EVENTS - September 2021

  • 09.04.2021 - 01.09.2021

    Suprematism Vision: Space Motifs in the Graphic Works and Jewellery Designs of Nadia Léger

    The exhibition in the Anteroom of the Armoury Chamber celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the first in the human history space flight of Yuri Gagarin. It is dedicated to the art of Nadia Léger (1904-1982), a famous artist of the 20th century, a bright representative of the Parisian art school.

  • 17.09.2021 - 09.01.2022

    France and Russia: Ten Centuries Together

    The display dedicated to the centuries-old history of Russian-French relations includes more than 200 pieces, among which are archival documents, personal belongings of the heads of state, diplomatic gifts and works of art. Throughout centuries they have been carefully kept by the museums, archives, libraries of both countries and above all by the royal treasury – the Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.

  • 08.04.2021 - 01.09.2021

    Suprematism Jewellery Designs by Nadia Léger – an exhibition launched by the Moscow Kremlin Museums

    On 8 April 2021, the Moscow Kremlin Museums held a ceremonial opening of the exhibition Suprematism Vision: Space Motifs in the Graphic Works and Jewellery Designs of Nadia Léger, commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the world-first manned space flight.

  • 10.09.2021 - 10.09.2021

    Exhibition "Alexander I – Empires' Restorer" from the Kremlin Museums collection on display in Chelyabinsk

    On 7 September 2021, the Alexander I – Empires' Restorer exhibition has opened in the State Museum of the South Ural History (Chelyabinsk). On display are exceptional pieces relating to the Emperor and his epoch, when a lasting peace on the European continent was established, and the Armory Chamber became a museum.

  • 21.09.2021 - 21.09.2021

    France and Russia: Ten Centuries Together exhibition opened in the Moscow Kremlin Museums

    On 16 September 2021, "France and Russia: Ten Centuries Together" exhibition opened in the Moscow Kremlin Museums. The pieces from French, British and Russian collections, such as the Versailles, National Library of France, Victoria and Albert Museum and many others, allow discovering the history of cultural and diplomatic relations between the two countries.

  • 08.09.2021 - 13.12.2021

    Exposition from the Kremlin Museums Presented in Kuban for the First Time

    8 September 2021, Magnificent Age of Catherine the Great. Court Jewellery Art of the Second Half of the 18th Century exhibition opening took place at Krasnodar State Historical Archaeological Museum and Heritage Site named after E.D.Felitsyn. That is the first exhibition project of the Moscow Kremlin Museums in the Krasnodar Region. On display are unique pieces from the museum collection created by the best Western European, Russian and Oriental jewellers.
