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Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO
The State Historical And Cultural  Museum-Preserve «The Moscow Kremlin»
Media support by Radio Rossii, Radio Culture, TV channel Rossiya.

Scientific conference

"Cultural Heritage Sites of Russia.
Challenges of Preservation and Research"

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and The Moscow Kremlin Museums are pleased to invite you to participate in the conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of inscription of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square into the UNESCO World Heritage List. The conference will be held on October 8-9, 2015 in the Patriarch’s Palace of the Moscow Kremlin.

The discussion will include the following topics:

  • State politics in the field of conservation of the most valuable heritage sites and the UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Role of the cultural heritage sites of Russia in the social, economic and cultural development of the country and individual regions.
  • Legislative regulation of conservation, safeguarding, use and popularization of the Russia’s cultural heritage. The regulatory and legal base improvement.
  • Development of the international cooperation in the sphere of cultural heritage through international organizations (UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM, CIS, etc.).
  • Cultural heritage site and modern society.
  • Challenges of preservation and restoration of the cultural heritage sites in Russia.
  • Innovative projects and technologies in the sphere of cultural heritage preservation.
  • The UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the context of the contemporary cities development: historical objects in the urban environment. Safety and infrastructure development issues.
  • The museums’ role in preservation, research and popularization of the cultural heritage sites.
  • Educational function of the cultural heritage sites: availability issue.
  • Economic aspects of the cultural heritage sites' preservation in the contemporary environment. Funding and investment of the cultural heritage sites of Russia.
  • Ways of interaction and cooperation of the governmentally funded museums and religious organization of different denominations in the process of preservation of the cultural heritage sites.
  • Historical and architectural complexes, monuments of material and spiritual heritage of Russia.

We are pleased to invite you to attend the conference and participate with a report. Approximate report time – 15 to 20 minutes.

Please address your application for participation until July 30, 2015, to the e-mail address nch@kremlin.museum.ru. Inquiry tel. +7 (495) 624-09-02. Please specify you name, job title, organization, contact telephone number, e-mail address and your report title.

Persons to contact:

Nadezhda Filatova Irina Vorotnikova Natalia Korina
Olga Gulidova
+7 (495) 628-55-63
+7 (495) 628-51-25
+7 (495) 624-09-02

