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The Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum and Heritage Site

The scientific conference

"The Moscow Kremlin and the Epoch of Boris Godunov"

November 11-13, 2015.

Dear colleagues,

The Moscow Kremlin Museums are pleased to invite you to participate in the scientific conference "The Moscow Kremlin and the Epoch of Boris Godunov".

A wide range of questions concerning the Russian history and court culture of the XVIth century will be discussed during the conference, including:

  • spiritual and books culture of the XVIth century Moscow;
  • forming of the new forms of court etiquette and their symbolic and cultural incarnation;
  • artistic culture of Moscow, activities of the court workshops and research issues of the Moscow court culture, its semantic and artistic peculiarities;
  • history of forming the Kremlin historic and cultural collections in the XVIth century;
  • historical figures and the Russian court culture of the XVIth century;
  • interconnections and correlation of the Moscow realmwithculturalphenomena and processes of  Eastern European and Western countries;
  • the Moscow Kremlin at the turn of the XVIth century;
  • significance of the court culture of the XVIth century Moscow for the history of spiritual and cultural phenomena in Russia.

If you are interested in the range of questions mentioned above, or it’s necessary and desirable for you to suggest your topic for the professional discussion, we are looking forward to see you at the conference “The Moscow Kremlin and the Epoch of Boris Godunov”.

For participation please address your applications to the project coordinators. After you receive the reply letter, confirming inclusion of your topic into the conference program, you can also register at the official website of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

Reports registration is due June 2015.

The reports theses are required to be sent in electronic form in file formats .rtf or .doc (edited text, not more than 2 000 symbols including spaces) to the e-mail addressed of the organising commitee. The organizing committee reserves the right to select the reports.

The organizing commitee:

  • Irina Vorotnikova, scientific secretary 
    tel/fax: (495) 628-51-25, e-mail: iv@kremlin.museum.ru 
  • Natalia Korina, junior research specialist of the Scientific and organizational department 
    e-mail: nch@kremlin.museum.ru
  • Svetlana Zyuzeva, research specialist of the Armoury Chamber department 
    tel: +7 (495) 697-09-26, e-mail: zuzeva@kremlin.museum.ru 