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International Scientific Conference

'Historical Arms and Armour in Museum and Private Collections'

October 24 - 26, 2017

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the Moscow Kremlin Museums (The Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum and Heritage Site) holds an international scientific conference 'Historical weapons in museum and private collections'.

The conference aims to exchange knowledge and information between researchers and  discuss a wide range of topics concerning contemporary studies in the field of arms and armor.

The following topics will be included:

• Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin as the center of arms and armor production
• Historical centers of arms and armor production, royal and state workshops in Russia, Western, Central and Eastern Europe and other countries
• Common problems in the history of arms and weapons
• The history of arms and armor production and its technologies
• Important collections of arms and armor and their history
• Armourers, bladesmiths and gunsmiths, historical owners of arms and armor and weapon collectors
• Archive sources and historical documents containing important information about weapons
• Latest attributions
• Arms and armor in the cultural context, their representation in visual arts and literature
• Contemporary law and collecting of the historical weapons: international experience and current situation in the Russian Federation

We invite you to participate in the conference and make a presentation. Suggested time for a presentation is about 20 minutes.

The conference takes place October 24 - 26, 2017 at The Moscow Kremlin Museums, starting each morning at 10.30 a.m.
Entrance to the Kremlin is provided through the Borovitskaya Tower.

We are planning to publish the proceedings after the conference. Papers are accepted in in Word or RTF format by e-mail.

Please make sure that applied file follows these requirements:

• Microsoft Word or RTF, font Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing;
• margins: top and bottom - 25 mm, left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm;
• researcher's full name and name of the organization he represents - in the upper right corner;
• title of the paper in capital letters;
• paragraph indent is set automatically;
• centuries are noted by Roman numerals, years - in Arabic;
• endnotes instead of footnotes;
• please provide a list of abbreviations and decoding acronyms in alphabetical order;
• the expected paper size is about 20 000 characters with spaces;
• if you provide images (no more than 8 illustrations for one paper) please make sure that they 1) have resolution of at least 150 dpi 2) are converted into one of the following formats: TIF or JPEG.

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until July 1, 2017. The application must contain: participant's name, academic degree and position, telephone number and e-mail. We kindly ask you to inform us about your decision to participate and about the topic of your presentation before the aforementioned date. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select presentations and edit papers.

Please note that The Moscow Kremlin Museums do not cover any travel and accomodation expenses of the participants of the conference. If you need assistance in booking the hotel please tell us before July 1, 2017.

Please send your applications and papers by e-mail to: armoury7@kremlin.museum.ru.
