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On 27 February 2025,  the solemn ceremony took place in the Armoury Chamber during which the collective of the museum received departmental awards. Minister for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic Alexey Chekunkov presented a medal to the General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums Elena Gagarina for cooperation with the Ministry for the Development of Russian Far East (Minvostokrazvitie) and commendation to the collaborators of the Moscow Kremlin Museums in the person of Deputy Director for Conservation, Registration and Restoration Natalya Afanasyeva. 

From 2018 to 2024, the Moscow Kremlin Museums organized in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk 8 large-scale exhibitions in the frameworks of which more than 250 thousand residents and guests of the Far East viewed over 900 masterpieces from the Armoury Chamber and other Kremlin museums. 

“Fas East today is the region which economics continue to grow at an outperforming rate and that attracts more attention of both residents of our country and guests from abroad. The key role in making the Far East more interesting for those who live and work there and for guests play the development of museums, creating of new cultural objects and tourist attractions,”  noted Alexey Chekunkov. 

"Thanks to the long-term cooperation which lasts many years, we became friends with the museums of the Far East and each time we make special exhibitions for the Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History and for the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N.I. Grodekov, exhibitions they are interested in. It is extremely important to present in regional museums collections that don’t have analogues in the world. I think that our work will continue and residents of the Far East will be not once delighted with the projects that we prepare specially for them,”  said Elena Gagarina.

Nanatlya Afanasyeva underlined that creating exhibitions for Far East museums is the constructive labour of the whole staff. For the past years of cooperation, more than 160 collaborators of the Moscow Kremlin Museums partook in it. 

In August 2025, following the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of the Khabarovsk Region, the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N.I. Grodekov will open the exhibition “Awards of Russia. For Work to the Benefit of Fatherland”, timed to the 300th Anniversary of the establishment of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky and the 80th Anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. On display will be military awards, orders and medals of Russia as well as other items that were bestowed for military service in the earlier periods of Russian history.

