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The Moscow Kremlin Museums were voted by representatives of the tourism industry of Russia and citizens of Moscow the best tourist attraction of Moscow in 2016. The museum has won the famous Guiding Star award, established by the Committee for Tourism and Moscow government, in the category 'The best place for tourism and excursion activities'.

The winner for the nomination 'The best place for tourism and excursion activities' was chosen by tourism companies of Moscow and through additional voting via Active Citizen application as well.

The list of nominees for this award included such famous Russian museums as Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure, Moscow planetarium, the State State Tretyakov Gallery, the museum-reserve Tsaritsyno, Peter's Palace in Moscow, VDNH, the Center for oceanography and marine biology 'Moskvarium'.

In 2016 the Guiding Star prize was awarded in fifteen categories. Each winner was awarded an honorary certificate and a statuette with the award plaque as well as authorized to use the status of the Guiding Star award winner, with reference to the nomination, through the company's marketing, advertising and promotional materials during 2017.

The Guiding Star awards ceremony has taken place in Moscow for the seventieth time. The prize was established by the Committee for Tourism and Moscow Hotel Industry in 1999 to recognize achievements in tourism industry and improve the quality of facilities and services provided by museums, tourism companies and hotels as well as to affect positively the tourism in Moscow. In 2016, for the first time in the history of the Guiding Star awards, the winner for the nomination 'The best place for tourism and excursion activities' was chosen by the Moscow citizens – the users of the Active Citizen application.
