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Книжный фестиваль «Красная площадь»

From the 2nd till the 6th of June, the 9th Book Fair “Red Square” will be held in Moscow. The stand of the Moscow Kremlin Museums will open in the GUM Department Store, on the Museum line. The visitors will be able to buy exhibition catalogues, monographs, albums and books for family reading.

On 4 June from 11:00 till 13.00, the events specially organized for the guests of the festival by the Moscow Kremlin Museums will be held in the Literary Drawing Room (GUM’s reception hall).

At 11:00, the presentation of the exhibition and catalogue “The Heavenly Host. Image and Veneration” is planned. Curators of the exhibition, Sergey Brun and Maria Vilkova, who have also worked on the museum catalogue, will talk about the concept and incorporation of the project, its key ideas and principal objects. The presentation will end with a quiz, the winner of which will receive the catalogue as a prize.

At 12:00, Head of the Lecture Department Katalin Medvedeva and methodologist of Children’s Centre in the Moscow Kremlin Museums Anastasia Kuporisova will introduce to the guests of the festival the educational projects for the exhibition “The Heavenly Host. Image and Veneration”.

The first part of the presentation will tell about the programmes for adults “Invisible Battle. Piety of Russian Sovereigns and the Moscow Kremlin” and “The Heavenly Host in the Moscow Kremlin”. The second part will be dedicated to the lesson for children above 9 “Defenders of the Russian land – on earth and heaven”: together with the museum staff, the young audience will take a quiz, go through a quest, piece together an unusual puzzle and get the prizes for the completed tasks. Kids will also have an opportunity to partake in a thematic photo session.

Among the editions, available for purchase on the stand of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, there will be catalogues of previous exhibitions, scientific publications about weapons of England, France, the Netherlands and Russia, books about court feasts and ball culture, albums and thematic prospectuses, such as “Jewellery and Snuffboxes”, “Feast as an Art. Festive Meals in Russia of the 18th – early 20th century: menu, table laying, etiquette” and many others.


For additional information, please contact the press office of the Moscow Kremlin Museums:

t.: +7 (495) 695-41-87


