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A ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Kremlin Museums Friends Society took place at the Armoury Chamber on December 3, 2015. Elena Gagarina, Director General of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, welcomed the guests and noted that 2015 is the year of the 25th Anniversary since the architectural ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square has been included into the World Heritage List of UNESCO.

"This event meant both recognition of uniqueness and authenticity of the Kremlin ensemble by the world community and high responsibility for its preservation. This status determines all the museum projects, either conservation works or exhibitions. Their goal is supporting the status of the leading Russian museum, preservation and enlarging the cultural heritage of Russia.

Many of the Museum’s key projects could not have been realized without participation of our partners, to whom I would like to express my deep appreciation for support and trust", said Elena Gagarina.

The guests could enjoy a special evening concert program "Baroque in Russia and Western Europe" performed by St. Petersburg ensemble "Soloists of Catherine the Great" in  historical interiors of the Armory Chamber. Artists could make the audience feel the musical atmosphere of the period of the Empress Anna Ivanovna’s reign - the Golden Age of baroque music in Russia. Arias from operas "The Power of Love and Hate", "Cephalus and Procris" by Francesco Araia and Sonata by Luigi Madonis, which was included into the collection complimented to the Empress Anna Ivanovna, were presented at the concert. Musical compositions by J.S. Bach, Italian composers G. Piantanida and L. Schiatti were also presented there. That December evening left a deep impression by its unique atmosphere and warmth that traditionally prevails at the ceremonial meetings of the Moscow Kremlin Museums Friends Society.

The Moscow Kremlin Museums express it’s sincere gratitude to the following companies: ALROSA PJSC, Vnesheconombank (VEB), VTB Insurance, Gazprombank, Gazprom export LLC, IPJSC Ingosstrakh, Knauf Gips, ConocoPhillips Russia Inc., Canon Ru, PJSC LUKOIL (Charity Foundation Lukoil), Metropol, OAO Novatek, Panasonic Rus, Pepeliaev Group, ROSBANK, StatoilASA, Transneft JSC, Chevron Neftegaz Inc., Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, Hotel Marriott Moscow Royal Aurora.
