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The virtual exhibition “Foreign Orders of the Russian Emperors in the Collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums” is based on the monograph of Doctor of Historical Science L. M. Gavrilova, who is a famous specialist in the phaleristics and medallic art, manager of the Armoury Chamber collection of orders and medals, author and curator of the Moscow Kremlin Museums exhibitions, dedicated to Russian and foreign orders.

The first awarding of orders dates back to the rule of Peter the Great, and, by the end of the 18th century, the native-grown system of orders had been successfully formed in the Russian Empire, competing in prestige with the European insignia. The highest European orders of knighthood and badges of the Middle and Far East, Asia and America, bestowed on the members of the Romanov House marked the new level of strengthening and enhancing the imperial authority and status both within Russia and throughout the world. For the reviewed epoch, the awarding of the highest state insignia was the key instrument of foreign policy, which provided the improvement of diplomatic ties and guaranteed gaining the politiсal allies.

Besides, anintegral part of the imperial ceremony was the demostration of orders and medals of the perished emperor during the funeral rite.

The monograph “Foreign Orders of the Russian Emperors in the Collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums” presents rich illustrative material that allows viewing the art objects not published before.
