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Moscow Kremlin museums preserved items of children’s clothing, most part of which had belonged to tsar’s successors.

First garments of the noble children were nappies, of course, made of linen. They were covered by swaddling clothes, usually, of broadcloth. Ceremonial swaddling clothes were usually trimmed with silver braid. As the children grew up they began to wear official suits and dresses. Wardrobe of young Tsareviches and Tsarevnas comprises almost identical clothes: shirt and pants, worn as underwear, socks, kaftans, sarafans, okhabens (long-sleeved coat), opashens (door garments), fur jackets. All the children’s clothes were sewn of various silk fabrics; winter garments were lined with fur. Ceremonial costumes and dresses were embroidered in gold and trimmed with pearls and precious stones. Later on boys began to wear elaborate hats in the Monomakh's Cap style with fur trimming and semiprecious stone. Girls were supposed to wear gold crown, studded with with precious stones as well.

The earliest item at the exhibition is a child's boot (sapozhok) of the XVIth century (pic.1), founded during the archeological researches of 1994-1995. A real masterpiece of art is a woolen hat of cherry colour, decorated with pearls, rubies and emeralds (pic.2). It belonged to Tsarevich Dmitry, the son of Ivan the Terrible. The presented platno (pic.3) - or state robe, a long, unfastened garment, very flared at the bottom, with broad short sleeves - is made of cloth woven from silk threads, interspersed with silver, and serves as an example of ceremonial dress for crown princes. Remarkable velvet bag of the XVII century could have belonged to a little prince or princess due to its small size.

The Armoury collection includes a wardrobe of the grandson of Peter the Great – Peter II, i.e. western-style suits, ceremonial garments and nightgowns, mourning coats and hunting clothes, beshmets (oriental quilted coat), as well as underwear, gloves, hose and hats. He came to the throne at the age of twelve in 1727 and died from smallpox in 1730. His costumes have been left untouched for many years therefore they are still in a good state of preservation. Here you can see a shirt (pic.5), kaftan (pic.6), lace-up leggings (pic.7), shoes and a pair of stockings (pic.8) which were worn by young Emperor.

The section is completed with touching mittens (pic.9) made of pale brown leather.
