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For the coronation ceremony Nicholas I wore a general's uniform in style of a tailcoat, conforming to the established tradition. Having followed the fashion of the preceding period, he underlined the continuity in the imperial succession and the emperor's role as Russia's military leader. The coronation costume includes a coat of dark-green cloth, scarf with a lanyard (a decorative cord worn as part of a military uniform) and gloves of buckskin.

Women's fashion of the early XIXth century has changed under the influence of a new stylistic tendency - classicism (a style based on the study of Greek and Roman models, characterized by emotional restraint and regularity of form). The dress of this period was of simple and elegant forms. At the same time ceremonial costume reflected the renewed interest in history and national traditions.

From 1834, ladies of the court have been obliged to wear costumes in "Russian" style with long turn-back sleeves resembling those in the XVIIth century. The official dresses consisted of a velvet bodice with a low, horizontal decolletage and long, loose-fitting sleeves with turned-back cuffs, an outer skirt with a train and an under-skirt of white satin. They were still made of silver brocade, which was the privilege of the imperial family only, on heavy silk or satin. The renewal of interest in Old Russia also affected the ornament wich now on comprises embroidery, pearls and lace.
