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Иван IV Грозный

Ivan IV the Terrible


The elder son of  Moscow Great Prince  Vassily III and his second wife Helen Glinskaya. 

Grand Prince of Moscow (1533-1547)

First Tsar of Russia (1547-1584)

Crowned for the Russian throne in 1547. The first Tsar of Russia. A special ceremonial was worked out for his crowning. It was held in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the center of the adorned cathedral there was an altar stand for the Royal regalia and a high stepped platform where the royal throne stood. Near to the throne there stood the Metropolitan's chair and on either side of the platform — benches for the clergy. The royal regalia were brought to the cathedral and put upon the specially prepared altar stand, covered with precious fabrics. At the key moment of the Ceremony Metropolitan Makary put the cross, golden chain, barmas and the Crown of Monomakh, the inheritable crown of the Russian sovereigns, on Ivan IV (the Terrible). Since that time, during the whole XVIIth century, setting for reigning was officiated by the Heads of the Russian Church.

Шапка КазанÑкаÑ

The Kazan Crown

Russia, mid XVIth century

The Kazan Crown is dated by 1553. It was first mentioned in the treasury of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, whose reigning was signed by a series of eminent events in the Russian history. Among them is the capture of Kazan in October 1552 and annexation of the Kazan khanate to the Russian state. The precious crown might have been executed by Kremlin jewelers on the successful solution of "The Eastern problem", so important for Muscovy. Its name might have immortalized the memory of the glorious victory of Russian warriors. The crown's look combine national and eastern artistic traditions. Some elements remind dйcor traditions of Russian churches of the epoch. At the same time, combination of stones, e.g. red tourmalines and rubies with blue turquoise and carved ornament of knitting herbs on niello background represent Oriental artistic influence.



Western Europe, the  XVIth century.
Belonged to Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The most ancient ceremonial throne of Russia of the mid XVIth century is an example of the Renaissance culture. It is shaped as a chair and adorned with ivory and walrus bone  plates with carved mythological, heraldic and life scenes. Plates with King David's life should be mentioned particularly as King David had been worshipped in Russia.
