Peter Alexeevich
(30.5.1672 - 28.1.1725)
Son of Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich and his second wife Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina. Factually started ruling in1 689.
Tsar (1682-1721)
First Emperor of Russia (1721-1725)
The younger son of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Belonged to the Naryshkin family. Because of the political situation he was crowned in 1682, at the age of 10, together with his brother-in-law Ivan V Alexeevich, who belonged to another powerful Boyar family of Miloslavsky. Being the younger brother, he was crowned with a special crown – the Monomakh's Crown of the second set – a copy of the Monomakh's Crown, the inheritable crown of Russian Tsars.
Crown of Monomakh of the Second set
Russia, the Moscow Kremlin workshops, 1682.
The crown was created in the Kremlin Workshops for the 1682 crowning ceremony, when two small sons of Alexis Mikhailovich – Ivan and Peter – were inaugurated as tsars. The creators did their best following the ancient original. It reminds an Eastern headdress and consists of 8 golden plates. The crown has a dome-shaped top with a cross. However, there is certain difference in artistic decoration of the two crowns. The surface of the ancient one is covered with a delicate filigree ornamentation. The golden plates of the new crown were left smooth. Cold shining metal with sharp symmetric decor makes impression of elegant severity, a bit mildened by bright and colourful precious stones.
Diamond Crown
Russia, Moscow Kremlin workshops, 1680s.
Belonged to Tsar Peter Alexeevich.
The crown of Peter Alexeevich was executed in 80-s of the XVIIth century by Kremlin jewelers. A similar crown was made for his elder brother, crowned at the same time. The decor of the crown represents specific features of Russian jewelry of the late XVIIth century, a specific feature of which was active using of precious stones. Shining diamonds and gems always attracted attention of Russian goldsmiths, and that time they became the main point of jewelry artworks. The Crown of Peter Alexeevich was enriched with green emeralds and red tourmalines.

Russia, Moscow, last quarter of the XVIIth century, the Moscow Kremlin Workshops (?).
Belonged to Tsar Peter Alexeevich.
The sceptre belonging to Tsar Peter I was made of gold and adorned with colour enamels and precious stones. The hexahedral scepter divides into three with three bolsters and its lower part ends with a bolster with a figured knob. The sceptre's form and details are close to the sceptre of Tsar Michael Fyodorovich of the XVIIth century. The decor reflects artistic taste of the late XVIIth century. Black and pink enamels on blue background, vegetation ornament of miniature graceful tulips, leaves and curls – all these have analogies in artworks by Kremlin jewelers of the 80-90-s of the XVIIth century.
The sceptre must have been executed in 1682 on the occasion of setting for reigning of brothers Ivan and Peter Alexeevich. During the ceremonial Ivan Alexeevich took the scepter of his grandfather, and the new sceptre, created following the pattern of the worshipped holy, was brought for the younger Tsar, Peter Alexeevich.
Pectoral cross
Russia, the Moscow Kremlin workshops, 1672-1689.
Belonged to Tsar Peter Alexeevich.
The golden cross of Tsar Peter Alexeevich was made in Kremlin workshops in the 80-s of the XVIIth century. In the center of its obverse there is a small cross made of magnificent emeralds of different cutting and shape, adorned with openwork vegetation ornament and enamels. The shape and deйcor of the emerald cross allow to classify it as an artwork of West European silversmiths of the XVI-XVIIth centuries. A carved crucifix on one emerald and a carved inscription "NIKA" on another are of Russian origin and can be dated by the same time.On the cross's reverse there is a front enameled image of Apostle Peter, the Tsar's patron Saint. The enameled decor of the cross in combination with shining precious stones give major impression in accordance with the common tendencies of development of Russian art of the time. The bright artistic concept and brilliant craft make the item a true masterpiece of the XVIIth century jewelry.
Double throne
Russia, the Moscow Kremlin workshops, 1682-1684.
Belonged to Tsars Ivan Alexeevich and Peter Alexeevich.
Gilded silver throne in Baroque style was executed in Kremlin Workshops in 80-s of the XVIIth century for two coregent brothers – Ivan Alexeevich and Peter Alexeevich. The throne's double construction associates with an architectural edifice. The throne's back houses a secret hiding-place for mentors of the young tsars who were too small for taking decisions in high politics. Necessary advice was given through a special window in the throne's back covered with red velvet.
Platno ( tight-fitting ceremonial kaftan)
Russia, the Moscow Kremlin Workshops, late XVIIth century.
Belonged to Tsar Peter Alexeevich.
The platno of Tsar Peter Alexeevich was executed in Kremlin Workshops in the late XVIIth century. It is a special ceremonial dress that was to be used only for official events.
The platno differed from traditional noblemen's clothes by wide long sleeves and a special round collar – barmas. It was sewed of precious fabrics from European and Oriental countries. The colour of gold symbolizing richness and power prevailed in the colouring of fabrics, lined furs. The dress was adorned with laces, golden buttons and precious ornamental gussets, which themselves were artworks of jewelry. Such decorations made the dress weight a lot. That is why special servants, who upheld a ruler during a ceremonial procession to the Assumption Cathedral, are mentioned in crowning books.