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8 September 2021, Magnificent Age of Catherine the Great. Court Jewellery Art of the Second Half of the 18th Century exhibition opening took place at Krasnodar State Historical Archaeological Museum and Heritage Site named after E.D.Felitsyn. That is the first exhibition project of the Moscow Kremlin Museums in the Krasnodar Region. On display are unique pieces from the museum collection created by the best Western European, Russian and Oriental jewellers.

"The conceptual feature of this exhibition project is its memorial character. Masterpieces made of precious metals and stones are directly connected with the most important events of Russian history and reflect the luxury of the Imperial Russian court of the 18th century. We hope that the exposition will be of interest to all residents and guests of the Krasnodar Region and will allow learning even better one of the significant periods in the history of the Russian state called "The Age of Diamonds", mentioned Elena Milovzorova, head of the Publishing and Special Programs Department of the Moscow Kremlin Museums at the opening ceremony. 

Among participants also were the First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Krasnodar Region Alexey Pogrebenko, director-general of the Museum and Heritage Site named after E.D.Felitsyn Mikhail Korkin, director-general of the joint-stock company "Caspian Pipeline Consortium-R" Nikolay Gorban.

The display familiarizes visitors with the creations made by prominent makers who worked for the Imperial Court, which dazzled with luxury and richness in the 18th century. Precious pieces often served as diplomatic gifts, grants, awards, signs of favour and reward, sometimes love and gratitude. Many of the diplomatic gifts and rewards were snuffboxes, rings and ceremonial arms.

The Magnificent Age of Catherine the Great. Court Jewellery Art of the Second Half of the 18th Century exhibition is organized with the charitable support of the joint-stock company "Caspian Pipeline Consortium-R".
