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On 29 November 2019, the ceremonial opening of the exhibition 'Peter the Great. Collector, Scholar, Artist' took place at the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

“Today we are opening an exhibition that procedes a series of celebrations commemorating the 350th Anniversary of Peter the Great’s birthday; most of the celebrations will be held in 2022. The current display shows the Emperor from an unusual perspective—he is neither a statesman no a warrior, but a collector, an artist, a patron of arts. It took us a lot of force to make this exhibition; many organizations such as museums, libraries, archives etc took part in it. So I believe that this show, been made with the force of so many people, must be a success, and our guests will get much pleasure from contemplating it,” noted the Director-General of the Moscow Kremlin Museums Elena Gagarina. She thanked the general sponsor of the exhibition—Transneft PJSC—without whose support “this project would not be implemented”.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said that Peter the Great’s period of reigning was marked by principal changes in Russian culture, as well as in radical perceptions about different matters, attributes of power and coronation regalia. “Nowadays it’s our heritage on which Russian people are brought up, as well as it is both a matter of pride and a part of our culture, which we cherish much. I’d like to congratulate us all, because it is a significant event that comes into our city and country, and I hope, into world culture as well,” said the Prime Minister and thanked everyone who contributed to this show.

The Vice President of Transneft PJSC Mikhail Margelov marked that this display was a new bilateral project in the framework of a strategic partnership between the company and the Moscow Kremlin Museums. “This was a colossal work to gather all these exhibits, different in kind and perception. But we should discover all character traits in the personality of Peter I in order to understand and feel the personality of the monarch, whose 350th Anniversary will be celebrated in two years,” said M.V. Margelov.

The ‘Peter the Great. Collector, Scholar, Artist’ exhibition will run until 8 March 2020 in the exhibition halls of the Assumption Belfry and Patriarch’s Palace. Museums of Russia and Europe take part in this international wide-ranging project, kindly offering items relating to the personality of the Tsar.

The exhibition precedes a series of All-Russian celebrations commemorating the 350 Anniversary of Peter the Great’s birthday, which will be held in 2019-2022.

Additionally, the exhibition will offer a vibrant comprehensive programme of educational and cultural events including lectures, seminars, and interactive learning sessions for children and adults.
