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On 5 April 2020, the ceremonial opening of the exhibition Decline of the Dynasty: The Last Rurikids and the False Dmitry took place at the Moscow Kremlin Museums. Original artefacts and archival documents reveal the epoch of one of the destructive dynastic crisis.

"We are opening an exhibition that we have been preparing for a long time and with great pleasure, even though it traces a dramatic moment in Russian history. The exhibition tells what happened in Russia at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century, why the dynasty which had ruled Russia for almost 700 years ceased to exist, and how the Russian people perceived this tragic event. What followed after the disappearance of the Rurik family, why impostors began to appear in Russia, which had never been for seven hundred years. And perhaps the most tragic moment of this history is the accession of False Dmitry to the Russian throne and his eleven-month reign", said Elena Gagarina, Director-General of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

Nikolay Tokarev, President of PAO Transneft – the general sponsor of the exhibition, emphasized the uniqueness of the project, "The theme of the exhibition is very curious. The interregnum period that separated the centuries-long reign of the Rurikids and the coming to power of the Romanov dynasty was indeed a fateful period for Russia. Events and figures of the Time of Troubles repeatedly served as a source of creative endeavour for prominent writers, playwrights and filmmakers. To this day, much in the history of the Time of Troubles remains a matter of heated debate, active research and study. I sincerely wish all visitors to the exhibition a fascinating acquaintance with the rarest artefacts — surviving evidence of that turbulent era".

The exhibition is on until 25 July 2021.
