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May, 29 - September, 20, 2009

the Nicolas Hall of the State Hermitage Museum

Organised by:
the Moscow Kremin Museums, State Hermitage Museum 

01# 	Insignia of the Staff-officers guard of Emperor Peter IThe exhibition, dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the Battle of Poltava, is put on by the Moscow Kremlin Museums in collaboration with the State Hermitage Museum as a part of a grand international cultural project in Russia.

The project participants are the world-known museums, archives and libraries from Russia, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Austria, among which are the State Archives of Ancient Documents, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The Russian State Library, State Russian Museum , The State Museum of Ceramics “The XVIIIth century Kuskovo Estate”, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Schusev State Museum of Architecture, Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps, The Tsarskoye Selo State Museum, the State Armoury Chamber (the Dresden collection), Swedish Nationalmuseum and Army Museum in Stockholm, The Museum of national History in Frederiksborg castle, the Austrian State Archives, the Royal Armoury collection in Stockholm.

The victory at Poltava on 27th of June, 1709 was a time of a glorious triumph for Peter I as well as for Russian military forces. It has become a turning point in the Great Northern War and history of Russia, which marked the rise of its supremacy in Eastern Europe. Therefore Peter I decided to set up a state holiday celebrated on this day as it was a grand occasion for the Russian people. The last, the 200th, anniversary of the Victory was celebrated in 1909 as a gala festive, including grandiose parades of Russian troops and the unveiling of the Poltava battle Museum.

The exposition is remarkable for a large quantity of historical relics revealing the glory of Russian army at Poltava. It presents numerous unique articles relating to this great historical event, 70 of which are brought from the Kremlin collection. Highlights of the exhibition are precious pieces of goldsmithery by Swedish makers, granted to the Russian Tsar by the Swedish last pre-war embassy, important historical records, memorial items, including personal equipment and uniforms belonged to Peter I, Charles XII of Sweden, Frederick Augustus I, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland. Other artifacts are the trophies, captured by Russian troops during the Battle of Poltava, i.e. kettledrums, drums, banners' peaks, arms and officer decorations. You will see portraits of generals, graphics, flags, arms and armour, commemorative medals and goblets executed on the occasion of the Russian Perfect Victory.

