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October, 28, 2011 – January, 31, 2012

Samara, the Samara Regional Art Museum

Organised by:
the Moscow Kremlin Museums, Samara Regional Art Museum 

01# Powder-flaskThe exhibition involves artworks from one of the most remarkable collection of the Kremlin Armoury Chamber - Russian arms, armour and military equipment of the several historical epochs. Over a hundred exhibits from the Kremlin funds, those of the earliest items are dated to the early XVIIth century, are on display, including pieces of gold arms and firearms as well as of defensive covering which were to complete the outfit of the Russian warrior.

The visitors have a unique opportunity to observe delicate pieces of workmanship executed by craftsmen of the Armoury Chamber – ceremonial arms and hunting weapons, which had belonged to Russian sovereigns, and precious horse trappings by the Kremlin and foreign makers. Skillfully embellished with gems and decorated with carving, embroidery, inlay and etc. the articles are considered to be of high artistic and cultural value; they reveal the early periods of history of arms production in Russia as well as the craftsmanship of the Russian gunsmiths of the XVIIth century.

The display also includes arms which served as an equipment for the Russian Army in the reign of Emperor Peter I, items crafted by the court armourers of the XVIIIth century, the production of the renowned arms plants in Russia of the XIXth century, the arms, used during official and festive ceremonies, and hunting weapons of the Russian Emperors, ceremonial weapons awarded for service or assistance to the country.

Items, worthy of special attention, are the ceremonial and hunting weapons used by political leaders of the Soviet Union and the current government officials in the Russian Federation, artworks by modern armourers, ceremonial and memorial arms executed in our time.
