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September, 16, 2005 - January, 12, 2006

USA, New York, Guggenheim Museum

Organized by:
Museum of contemporary art, Minneapolis, the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum and others.

The icon of Our Lady of Vladimir with evangelic scenes and saintsThe "Russia!" exhibition display in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, is dated to the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations. On display are six main periods of the history of Russian Art: Russian icon-painting of the XIIIth - XVIth centuries; the XVIIIth century, or the epoch of Peter I  and Catherine II, the "golden age" and Peredvizhniks of the XIXth century, avant-guard of the early XXth century, art of social realism of the late 30-s - 60-s and contemporary art. These main periods give an idea of history and achievements of Russian Art as well as the idea of Russia's contribution to the world culture.

Moscow Kremlin Museums have brought a true masterpiece of Old Russian art - two-sided icon of 1514 from the Assumption Cathedral by the circle of Dionisy, illustrious artist of Ancient Rus.

On the front side of the icon there is the image of Our Lady of Vladimir with scenes of life, on the other side there is depiction of Etimasia. The icon had been copied from the wonder-working icon of Our Lady of Vladimir of the XIIth century. According to manuscript data, the copy had been executed on the order of Metropolitan Varlaam in 1514. The middle part of the icon is of the same size and proportions like the illustrious model. The scenes represent images, of the ancient holy's early XVth century golden set.
